The Club kicked off 2022 in grand style with
- a visit from District 5170 Governor Richard Flanders;
- an update on the work of the Castro Valley Eden Area Chamber of Commerce by Past President and Castro Valley Rotarian David Gehrke;
- a presentation by Castro Valley Rotarian Obse Lubo and visiting Rotarians on the dedication of the oxygen generator plant (the Breathing for Life Project) at Nejo Hospiital in Ethiopia;
- reports from the Alameda County Sheriff's Office on what is happening in the Eden Area by Capt. Marty Neideffer as well as its programs for the homeless by Lt. Miguel Ibarra;
- a presentation by Rotarian Kern Lewis on keys for a successful business website; and,
- a presentation on the joys of being a ham radio operator by Castro Valley Rotarian Bob Shayler.
Details of each meeting along with video recordings and photos will be posted shortly.
District Governor Richard Flanders poses with members of the Rotary Club of Castro Valley on January 4, 2022.
At the January 4th meeting, Cliff Sherwood offered this inspiring video as the Though for the Day, which was very appropriate as a kickoff to 2022.
Dan Willits offered a rousing rendition of the Sal Tedesco Memorial Hello Song.