Timothy Burroughs started his presentation with an overview of who and what StopWaste is and does.  Since 1976, it has been helping helps Alameda County’s businesses, residents, and schools waste less, recycle properly, and use water, energy, and other resources efficiently. Stopwaste is a public agency governed by the Alameda County Waste Management Authority, the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling Board, and the Energy Council. With local partners, Stopwaste helped launch the green building movement in California and organized one of the first and largest food scrap collection programs in the country. Its work helps people make better decisions everyday about the products they buy, the resources they use, and the stuff they no longer use.
Timothy continued by describing the multiple approaches that Stopwaste employs to achieve its goals.  There is not a single, one-size fits all approach.  The Stopwaste website describes each of these approaches in depth along with available resource.
Within each approach, Stopwaste provides a wide variety of services to effectively meet the needs of its clients.  The Circular Food System is one innovative approach to multiple issues facing the community.
As the next slide show, Outreach and Education are very important components of Stopwaste's efforts, especially in schools.
Be sure to visit the Stopwaste website, https://www.stopwaste.org/ for detailed information and resources.  
Click here to see the complete slide presentation.
Click here to watch Timothy's presentation.